The look on the women's face was pure nausea. She must of had a small child or thing drag her in the monthly exotic pet show. She kept commenting on how uneasy she was about this and that. unfortunely I was the only person in ear range so it might have been directed towards me. I sheltered my self away with the camera and marched on.
I think that anxiety must have come from some trauma in her past. I'd guess that at some point she was dragged kicking and screaming from a homemade raft or canoe into a bog by something quite similar -- an alligator or komodo dragon, most likely. No, no, lets not kid ourselves -- she's obviously still hysterical from the box office thriller -- Snakes On a Plane! Good shot, though, to be sure.
Needs to be flashed. The lizads on the top should be seeen better as well as the woman. with a story good try
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